Vicaribus – A Super Serious Bus Conversion2022-04-05T10:08:51-06:00


Vicaribus – like vicarious, but with a ‘b’ – was our bus that we lovingly converted into our tiny home on wheels.

Previously we enjoyed three years gallivanting around the country exploring all of the beautiful places and meeting all of you beautiful people. We shared as much of it as we could here so you, too, can vicariously live the bus life.

We sold the bus in March 2022 and now live in an Airstream but are doing the same things.


We are three people – one of whom happens to technically be a dog – who have decided to get rid of all of our stuff, put working on hold (mostly), and to get out and live a little.

For more info about Heather, Nick and Miles, head over to the About Vicaribus and the Passengers Page.


So far we have traveled through New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, and then straight over to Florida, then straight up to Michigan, then straight down to North Carolina with a repair layover in Tennessee, and then straight up to Maine and over to New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, down to Virginia then Florida, over through Texas to Colorado, then back to Florida, then back to Arizona!


We post all the pretty things on Instagram. We (used to) create little vignettes of bus life for our YouTube Channel. We share it all on Facebook. We (used to) share a bunch of data we collect on our Live Data page. And, we (used to) write all about it on our blog, which you can subscribe to right here!



You can see all of our photos on our Photo Galleries page and all of our videos on our Video Gallery page.

Here are our most recent photo galleries to get you started.


Our Vicaribupdates recount our recent travels, while other posts share some of our tips, favorites and more.

    Vicaribupdate – 5,000 Miles Later

    Oh hey! Anybody still out there? Is this thing on? If you're still hanging around waiting for an update, we have good news, because here it is! It will, however, not be thorough, comprehensive, deep or filled with lovely photos, which may come as a disappointment. We have found it too much of a joy to refocus our blog related efforts towards things like fixing the bus and driving. Our Instagram account is [...]

      Vicaribupdate – The Oregon Coast in September

      We spent 18 days on the Oregon coast starting at Fort Stevens in the north working the entire way down to Brookings in the south. From what we heard and experienced we did this leg of the journey nearly perfectly. It could have only been made better by adding more time. If you want the ultimate Oregon coast experience, the recipe is simple. One, have a major breakdown just before arriving so that you are worn [...]

        Good Sam Roadside Assistance: Is It Worth It?

        Roadside assistance is usually one of those things you get and hope you never have to use.  That is unless you are a bus conversion, then you are fairly certain it's not a matter of if you will use it, but when.  We opted for a plan through Good Sam which is one of the top providers among RVers.  We have the RV Standard plan which costs $90 per year.  We have now used their service [...]

          Vicaribupdate – Central Oregon Xscapers Convergence

          Eleven times now this year, a community of full-time RVers have converged on a single location to spend a week or so of socializing, group activities and late-night shenanigans. These are the Xscapers - a sub-club within the Escapees RV Club geared towards younger working nomads. We missed the first ten, but after having multiple people we met on the road suggest we get our act together and join the community, we found our way to [...]

            North Cascades National Park: Why It May Be the Most Underrated National Park

            North Cascades National Park is located in Northern Washington about 3 hours west of Seattle.  It is surrounded by national recreation areas and national forests creating a huge play land for you to explore. Whether you only have a day to drive through and check out the viewpoints or weeks to get deep into the wilderness North Cascades National Park should be on your bucket list and here is why: It's Free! That's right, there is [...]

              Vicaribupdate – Entering Oregon: Portland, Hood River, Mt. Hood and More

              Our sixth state on this journey so far happens to be Oregon. We crossed over from Washington over the Columbia River into Astoria, headed to Portland for a few days, worked our way up river to the town of Hood River, then down and around Mt. Hood and through Silver Falls on our way to Redmond for an Xscapers Convergence. Little known fact: Several crucial scenes in Point Break were filmed in Oregon. Portland The first [...]

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